What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture is extremely successful in the treatment of a multitude of conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the diseases that are effectively treated with acupuncture. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that is capable of diagnosing and effectively treating a wide range of conditions including but certainly not limited to:
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Acupuncture is effective in relieving pain because it has anesthetic properties. It relieves stiffness and pain by increasing circulation of Blood and Qi. It improves flexibility, mobility, reduces inflammation, and eliminates muscle spasms by increasing blood supply to tendons, ligaments and muscles. Musculoskeletal conditions are also linked to malnutrition which can be caused by mal-absorption of nutrients or simply an incomplete diet. Therefore herbal and nutritional therapy can also be effective, addressing the individual needs, depending upon the cause.
Moreover, acupuncture will re-align the body’s biological elements, allowing the musculoskeletal system to repair itself. It regulates the conjunctive and mucous membranes (fluids in joints) and increases the production of cartilage and lubricating fluids, which improves arthritis and similar disorders. Acupuncture will not change the anatomical structure of an injury, i.e. broken bones cannot be treated by acupuncture and it will not replace the need for a joint replacement due to the extreme deterioration of bone. However, it will help to control pain and relieve symptoms, allowing the patient to have a better quality of life.Acupuncture is effective in relieving pain because it has anesthetic properties. It relieves stiffness and pain by increasing circulation of Blood and Qi. It improves flexibility, mobility, reduces inflammation, and eliminates muscle spasms by increasing blood supply to tendons, ligaments and muscles. Musculoskeletal conditions are also linked to malnutrition which can be caused by mal-absorption of nutrients or simply an incomplete diet. Therefore herbal and nutritional therapy can also be effective, addressing the individual needs, depending upon the cause.
Moreover, acupuncture will re-align the body’s biological elements, allowing the musculoskeletal system to repair itself. It regulates the conjunctive and mucous membranes (fluids in joints) and increases the production of cartilage and lubricating fluids, which improves arthritis and similar disorders. Acupuncture will not change the anatomical structure of an injury, i.e. broken bones cannot be treated by acupuncture and it will not replace the need for a joint replacement due to the extreme deterioration of bone. However, it will help to control pain and relieve symptoms, allowing the patient to have a better quality of life.
Moreover, acupuncture will re-align the body’s biological elements, allowing the musculoskeletal system to repair itself. It regulates the conjunctive and mucous membranes (fluids in joints) and increases the production of cartilage and lubricating fluids, which improves arthritis and similar disorders. Acupuncture will not change the anatomical structure of an injury, i.e. broken bones cannot be treated by acupuncture and it will not replace the need for a joint replacement due to the extreme deterioration of bone. However, it will help to control pain and relieve symptoms, allowing the patient to have a better quality of life.Acupuncture is effective in relieving pain because it has anesthetic properties. It relieves stiffness and pain by increasing circulation of Blood and Qi. It improves flexibility, mobility, reduces inflammation, and eliminates muscle spasms by increasing blood supply to tendons, ligaments and muscles. Musculoskeletal conditions are also linked to malnutrition which can be caused by mal-absorption of nutrients or simply an incomplete diet. Therefore herbal and nutritional therapy can also be effective, addressing the individual needs, depending upon the cause.
Moreover, acupuncture will re-align the body’s biological elements, allowing the musculoskeletal system to repair itself. It regulates the conjunctive and mucous membranes (fluids in joints) and increases the production of cartilage and lubricating fluids, which improves arthritis and similar disorders. Acupuncture will not change the anatomical structure of an injury, i.e. broken bones cannot be treated by acupuncture and it will not replace the need for a joint replacement due to the extreme deterioration of bone. However, it will help to control pain and relieve symptoms, allowing the patient to have a better quality of life.
Neurologic Disorders
Many so-called “hopeless” neurological disorders can be treated by acupuncture without the extreme side effects of tranquilizers and antidepressants often prescribed for these conditions. Acupuncture influences the nervous system by controlling and connecting neuro-physiological relationships between all body systems by directing bio-electrical impulses through the nerve fibers. It also influences the activity of the nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. The structure and function of the autonomic nerve system and transmissions are controlled by acupuncture treatment.
Psychiatric and Emotional Disorders
Acupuncture treats numerous emotional and psychiatric disorders, including neurosis, anorexia, insomnia, addiction (smoking cessation, eating disorders, and drug dependency) autism, schizophrenia and various speech disorders. Acupuncture encourages the development of diverse biochemical endorphins, which are opium-like substances that relieve the feeling of anxiety and depression, giving a person a feeling of well-being. Acupuncture can be substituted for psychotropic drugs, along with psychotherapy, to reduce obsessive compulsive behavior and phobias, etc. The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment can be further enhanced by diet and herbal medicine.
Allergies are extreme reactions to substances inhaled, in contact with the skin, or ingested. Usually allergies are the result of a weakened immune system. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine will build an strengthen the immune system by the use of antagonistic herbal treatment and establishing balance by stimulating acupuncture points.
Furthermore, it reinforces the energy and function of the body to metabolize and expel the allergens. Instead of treating the symptoms of allergies, acupuncture reduces the tendency to have allergic reactions.
Furthermore, it reinforces the energy and function of the body to metabolize and expel the allergens. Instead of treating the symptoms of allergies, acupuncture reduces the tendency to have allergic reactions.
Circulatory Disorders
Clinical experimental research has concluded that the activities of blood, heart and the blood vessels change after acupuncture stimulation. Acupuncture strengthens the immune system by inhibiting or producing the formation of white and red blood cells, according to the disease being treated.
It controls the production of these cells. Acupuncture, especially electrical, can stimulate chemical components to normalize the blood, impacting cholesterol, globulin, albumin, thrombin and amylase levels in the serum, as well as potassium, sodium and calcium. Cholesterol can be greatly reduced. Acupuncture can regulate heart rate and can decrease the tension by relaxing the walls of the blood vessels in patients with vaso-constriction and vaso-dilation, thus regulating blood pressure.
It controls the production of these cells. Acupuncture, especially electrical, can stimulate chemical components to normalize the blood, impacting cholesterol, globulin, albumin, thrombin and amylase levels in the serum, as well as potassium, sodium and calcium. Cholesterol can be greatly reduced. Acupuncture can regulate heart rate and can decrease the tension by relaxing the walls of the blood vessels in patients with vaso-constriction and vaso-dilation, thus regulating blood pressure.
Dermatologic Disorders
Acupuncture is commonly used in the treatment of chronic dermatological conditions, although, acute symptoms, like severe itching, can be effectively treated. Dermatological disorders can be caused by allergies, in which case, the allergens should be avoided. Acupuncture will treat skin diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, metabolic and hormonal imbalances, emotional problems or stress.
It treats these conditions by stimulating the metabolic system, reducing inflammation and eradicating viruses and bacteria by the use of Chinese herbal pharmacopeia. Acupuncture stimulates blood circulation and produces the formation of new cells, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin.
It treats these conditions by stimulating the metabolic system, reducing inflammation and eradicating viruses and bacteria by the use of Chinese herbal pharmacopeia. Acupuncture stimulates blood circulation and produces the formation of new cells, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Acupuncture has a regulatory effect on the functions of the digestive system. Oriental Medicine will use different acupuncture methods to stimulate acupuncture points and channels to redirect the flow of Qi and Blood. This creates homeostatic balance, increasing muscle contraction as needed, digestive secretions, enzyme production, reducing or increasing acid content, and absorption of nutrients.
Chinese herbal medicine specifically targets multiple digestive conditions, such as excessive dampness, bloating gas, acid reflux, gastritis and difficult bowel movements, by augmenting nutrients and function ability of internal organs.
Chinese herbal medicine specifically targets multiple digestive conditions, such as excessive dampness, bloating gas, acid reflux, gastritis and difficult bowel movements, by augmenting nutrients and function ability of internal organs.
Menstrual disorders, such as, painful menstruation, missed periods, and excessive flow can be successfully treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by rectifying the functionality of the reproductive system. Additionally, fibroids, endometriosis, uterine and ovarian cancers, can be treated with acupuncture concurrently with Western medicine.
This combined treatment will increase the success of the overall patient recovery. Acupuncture treatment will be directed towards building the patient’s immune system, enhancing circulation, regulating hormones, decreasing stress, increasing the body’s strength and expelling the unwanted elements and toxins.
Acupuncture treatment for fertility is becoming widely used, either as a stand-alone treatment, or integrated with in-vitro fertilization procedures. Depending upon the patient’s symptoms, Oriental medicine will determine a pattern of disease and treat the infertility accordingly. Usually herbal medicinal therapy is prescribed before and during the pregnancy to assist in carrying the pregnancy to full-term.
During pregnancy acupuncture can be used to greatly reduce morning sickness, edema, urinary problems, risk of miscarriage and associated maladies. In the same way, post-natal disorders, such as depression, water retention, constipation, hemorrhoids, breast pain and extreme fatigue can also be treated. Acupuncture techniques, along with nutritional and herbal therapy, will support the body by balancing and circulating Blood and Qi.
This combined treatment will increase the success of the overall patient recovery. Acupuncture treatment will be directed towards building the patient’s immune system, enhancing circulation, regulating hormones, decreasing stress, increasing the body’s strength and expelling the unwanted elements and toxins.
Acupuncture treatment for fertility is becoming widely used, either as a stand-alone treatment, or integrated with in-vitro fertilization procedures. Depending upon the patient’s symptoms, Oriental medicine will determine a pattern of disease and treat the infertility accordingly. Usually herbal medicinal therapy is prescribed before and during the pregnancy to assist in carrying the pregnancy to full-term.
During pregnancy acupuncture can be used to greatly reduce morning sickness, edema, urinary problems, risk of miscarriage and associated maladies. In the same way, post-natal disorders, such as depression, water retention, constipation, hemorrhoids, breast pain and extreme fatigue can also be treated. Acupuncture techniques, along with nutritional and herbal therapy, will support the body by balancing and circulating Blood and Qi.
Acupuncture Related News & Video links:
Acupuncture for Pets
Allergy Can Acupuncture work for you?
Hot flashes/Menopause
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Traumatic Brain Injury (Military)
President Obama on Acupuncture
Allergy Can Acupuncture work for you?
Hot flashes/Menopause
- http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/health/Yes-Acupuncture-Can-Help-Relieve-Those-Hot-Flashes-118944054.html
- http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/acupuncture-relieves-menopause-symptoms-hot-flashes-womens-health-13079718
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Traumatic Brain Injury (Military)
President Obama on Acupuncture